Wait you say... 6 months?!? Yep, you read that right! Designing a kitchen is no small feat and the devil is in the details. There is A LOT to think through, select, coordinate and ponder over. As busy Moms we are already juggling plenty and although the chance to design a new kitchen is like winning the lottery in some regards, it can also create feelings of overwhelm and indecision. #analysisparalysis (BTW my husband would definitely argue that it is more likes funding the lottery not winning it... but I digress)
You want your new kitchen to be everything you are dreaming of! All of those pins and saves and blogs you've been following are now coming to life. THIS is where it gets scary. THIS is where it gets real. THIS is where hard earned money is spent. THIS is where one bad decision can make it can go all wrong. THIS is permanent. And soon the excitement can begin to feel a lot more like pressure. THIS is why you need time. Time to relax, time to have fun and time to enjoy the process while making all those important decisions.

Designing a kitchen is definitely a PROCESS. It's a little like making your favorite recipe and knowing which step to take before moving on to the next. Fortunately, I have created a FREE GUIDE you can download to learn these exact steps.
Aside from TIME, one of the biggest benefits to having your kitchen designed from A-Z before interviewing and hiring a contractor comes down to BUDGET. As you work your way through the design selection process, you will gather many quotes for both materials and possibly labor. After receiving your price quotes you may find you need to go back and reselect less expensive materials or make other changes to stay in line with your goal budget. Once you have gathered all of your quotes, you are then in the driver seat to get apples to apples PRICE comparisons for construction. You will be able to provide your builder with what materials you have selected instead of him giving you an arbitrary allowance (budget) list of what you can spend within your contract. It works SO much better this way. There is nothing worse than having your heart set on your dream kitchen design only to find out later you can't afford it. Some builders are famous for low balling allowance items to make the overall bid numbers come in lower. Without shopping and price comparing on your end, you really have no idea what the allowance budget should even look like. A reputable builder will be thrilled and thank you for your planning and organization on the front end of your project. And wow will your whole project run so much smoother!
Join me in my new FB group Kitchen, Baths and Mudrooms by Design! Each week I will select a member's design challenge to solve on a FB live for the whole group to see. Get in early and see you there! Be the first to hear about my upcoming DIY kitchen course! It's a deep dive into to learning all the important design steps to create your dream kitchen like a Pro!
